LlAmAs iN YoUr hEaD
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Faster than a Lilly goat

You know it's funny, you dont plan on getting married til your like what is it these days er 50? lol and then WHAM it just happens. It's hard work trying to organise a wedding thats why you have to have the perfect drees and then it doesnt matter if anything else goes wrong.
Its also hard trying to decide what flippin dress to wear because you dont want to be looking in the photo albums years later and totally oh my goshing everything especially the dress because the dress is the magna in the fique, the popo in the dum its what makes the wedding a wedding. At the end of the day though you spare a thought for the person that your marrying and you forget about the dress, the detail the organising and realise how blessed you are to be in love!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I have come to a conclusion...I am going to die either very old or very bored
Nothing ever happens, everything is the same .... I feel a song coming along.... I ve come to realise that pondering is a very bad thing indeed especially deep ponderage, there are different types you know and ive been doing ponderage type 3 extremely dangerous and it hasn't been about anything in particualr either which makes it no longer controllable. I think i have OCD i'm way to analyitical it drives me insane! Is there a point to this mindless babble.... Im thinking not so ill just go now
Bliss....Not all it's cracked up to be!
Bliss, something i havent yet experienced....... i had a really bad today (yes this is an EMO moment) you know when you feel the worst you could possibly feel in this lifetime and nothing bad to come would ever compare to it but then wait a moment it happens! well that happened today.
Trust is a very special gift between two friends, two siblings, parents or partners so when it is broken it takes forever to repair it and thats all well and all but what happens if whilst in the process of being repaired your now restored little ounce of trust that has just been brought back is emptied yet again? Iv'e given up hope of actually finding a person on this earth that is completely trustable, im in agreement with ones self that only a heavenly being can give that security to you, imagine falling of a bridge without a bungee cord and being told that you will be caught somehow, placing complete trust is like placing a bet only this feels different because you know this time that you will be caught no matter how unlogical or how scientifically impossble it is, and then wam your caught and you now know that you have found something special something one in billion, something thats yours!
If you havent figured out yet what is i have, pick up that dusty old forgotten bible and start reading it, maybe its not your thing maybe bad experience will stop you but what do you have to lose?
Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
Its soooooo quiet at the moment....well apart from the dog snoring, im at home all alone and last night i watched the Boogey man with Matt so ive been looking in my closet every 5 minutes,,,,you know just incase. I have to say the content of the movie wasnt very fullfilling but it was interesting how the Boogeyman actually came to exist, when the guy in the movie was young he was laying awake in his room at night looking around at everything he considered scary and so the monster he created was actually a collection of his thoughts, he made it up and then it became real to him, It made me think about my paranoid outlook on life, half the time im only paranoid becasue an idea will pop into my head or ill see something that has no direct effect on my life whatsoever, yeah sounds quite stupid now that ive put font to screen. Aswell as being quiet its flippin cold too! Oh yeah Heavens geese and Hells flamingos was awesome, it was a nice change acting a scene then standing still for two hours as an angel besides i dont think i made a good angel anyway, i cant hold a straight face for long, unless im getting yelled at.....oh no no even then its still pretty hard, especially when mum is yelling at me... she has a funny face
Ive been feeling abit school sick recently, you know how you see all the schoolies walking down the road with their friends and stuff, i kinda get jealous cos then i start remembering how good i had it when i had my two best friends . I saw one of them the other day she came through my checkout at work and when i saw her it made me feel like crying because she has grown up so much yet she was the same Kerry i had spent 5 years with, the Kerry i had thrown tooth picks at, yeah it was a weird feeling. Enough mushy peas, im going to go now and maybe check my closet again