Thursday, October 04, 2007

MaKe iT Up aS YoU Go aLoNg

AlOt of stuff has happened since i last posted...... i'll break it down for ya *wikki wikki* basically got married.... that's it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and its driving me crazy, marriage is so over rated i don't know why people get married in Lorna's perfect world everyone would just be friends and the world would be consistently populated by llama's who chewed only the best grass. Serious these are my words of wisdom for today DON'T DO IT unless of course you are super ready and by super ready i mean your standing in that aisle, your a second customer away from being served ready and your happy with the bargain you've grabbed ready, cant be anymore ready then that, i think when i went shopping and bought my goods i paid using credit and now i'm in for 60 years of DEBT!!!!!!